Orders, Returns and Refund Policy
Thank you for shopping at Liz Soto Handbags.
If you received a damaged product, please contact us immediately for assistance.
Damaged returns:
Our products can be returned if damaged within 30 days of the original purchase of the handbag. Damage does not include water damage, scratches or general wear and tear. LSH will repair all manufacturing defects or replace with same or similarly priced item during this time.
Return Authorization:
For Return Authorization please email us at info@lizsoto.com. A customers must contact the store where the handbag was purchased, with the store then requesting a RA number from Liz Soto Handbags for an exchange or credit. Liz Soto Handbags will create a UPS Return Label for the return of the damaged item. We only accept returns from the vendor. Any return received without an RA number may be refused.
Non-damaged returns:
7 days from the receipt of merchandise with a 15% return charge. Product cannot be used or damaged. Shipping charges incurred in connection with a product return are non-refundable. You are responsible for paying the cost of shipping and for the risk of loss or damage to the product during shipping.
Please Note: There may be fabric, keychain, jewelry, flower, leather, etc. variations from catalog and web images and product shipped.
If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds policy, please contact us at info@lizsoto.com.
Wholesale Order regulations
The first order minimum is $250.00 with a minimum re-order of three handbags. A Net-30 request is subject to approval. Returned checks are subject to a $35.00 charge. No COD’s are accepted.